Content is king. When migrating to Drupal 9, Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute undertook a full content discovery audit, resulting in a clean structure for their complex content in their new site.
Our Work
Our goal was to integrate dispersed data into a single website which would allow data consistency and a helpful user experience... all on Backdrop CMS!
Through data visualization and careful database structuring, we were able to highlight robust historical data and bring their work up to date with the streaming realities of 2021.
Focusing on admin experience, we created an easy-to-update site to allow their team to showcase their research, with custom map functionality to show where that research was happening.
Long-running projects like MRSEC become a study in adaptation to changing times and changing needs while keeping what works. As we've updated the site to better available platforms in the last ten years, we've become experts in migration. This project aligns perfectly with our mission: using the handy parts of the internet to help researchers do research.
This site enables researchers to share resources by providing a listing, with easy and intuitive searching and browsing, of available instruments across departments at UC Santa Barbara.
With our knowledge of taxonomies, we were able to create a directory to help scientists find what they needed, locate the center that had it, figure out how to get it, and get back to what they do best: science!