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Nota Bene

Tools and Skills or Tools versus Skills?

October 2, 2023

We keep building generations of tools and each generation is more powerful than one before.  People need tools, so we give them our most powerful ones.  Do these people have the correct skills to use these new power tools? Should we teach them how to use these tools before they figure it out on their own? 

Do they know the difference between a hammer and a drill? Which situations require which? Do they know how to turn it on–or, maybe more importantly, how to turn it off? What safety (security) considerations do they need to keep in mind?

Drupal Ecosystem for site builders: modern Drupal and Backdrop CMS

August 3, 2023

Backdrop CMS and Drupal are content management systems that are built on the same core principles and architecture of Drupal 7. They share a common heritage and were based on the same codebase, but they have evolved in slightly different directions and cater to different audiences.

They share features that make them distinct from other CMS for site builders that have structured data
Content types with web UI to add various fields

Drupal 7 to BackdropCMS Migration for SiteBuilders

July 20, 2023

Upgrading from Drupal 7 to Backdrop CMS involves migrating your website's content, configuration, and theme from the Drupal 7 platform to Backdrop CMS. Backdrop CMS is a fork of Drupal 7 that provides a more user-friendly and streamlined interface while retaining much of Drupal's functionality.    I was doing a workshop on upgrade at the Backdrop Community meeting on July 20 as a port of D7 Soft Landing initiative. 

July series of BackdropCMS workshops aimed at educating and empowering users

June 28, 2023

Drupal 7, a popular content management system that has served as the backbone for countless websites over the years has announced EOL in Jan 2025. With the official end of life for Drupal 7 fast approaching, the community-driven CMS alternative, BackdropCMS, has stepped up to support users through a series of workshops designed to ease the transition and help them migrate to a more sustainable solution.