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Stanford Webcamp: BackdropCMS in Higher Ed: Stanford and Penn State case studies

Learn how Higher Ed leverages power of Backdrop CMS for various use cases - from building new sites to upgrades from Drupal 7 before EOL. Topics include business case, selecting hosting platform, authentication, training for users and many other challenges.

The presentation will transition into open discussion about using Backdrop in Higher ed and non-profit space.


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<p>We have a fiduciary duty to our university. We take stewardship of funds and resources seriously. With Backdrop on Pantheon, we were able to save nearly half a million dollars! It is equivalent to several postdoc salaries, which – quite honestly – the university (and the world) needs more than we need any particular website technology, assuming the alternative is just as viable, which Backdrop is."</p>
<p>-Zach Chandler, Director, Research&nbsp; IT and Innovation at Stanford University</p>