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Live from DrupalCon - Migrating D7 site on Pantheon to BackdropCMS on Pantheon

This is live notes with Greg Andreson in Pantheon booth at DrupalCon 2024

Follow the Checklist and migrate your D7 site to BackdropCMS site with us in 1hour 14 min 03sec!

Set up new Backdrop site

  • From front page "more ways to try" or direct link Spin up new site on Pantheon
  • Run install
  • Switch to SFTP mode in Pantheon panel for modules and themes installation.
  • Create manual backup (just in case) 

Move files manually to directory /sites/default/files

  • Install D2B Module from Project Installer web UI under Functionality tab in admin toolbar
  • Configure private path in file configuration 
  • Go to Configuration -> System -> Drupal
  • Enter host information that you can get from Pantheon dashboard to connect to database
  • Download modules
  • Upgrade database
  • Move files manually to directory /sites/default/files
  • Configure theme and layouts
  • Live happily ever after

