John W. Gardner Center Website Refresh
Websites do not last forever. Even the most thoughtfully designed site will need to be rebuilt at some point. We've written about this before, and in fact, in that very article, the Gardner Center website came up!
When they approached us to redesign their website after only a year, we had a major question: Why? We wanted to know what wasn't working about their current site. They quickly told us that their current site was working great, except that they had completely changed the model of their organization and were moving away from published papers to more collaborative, on-going projects. That means their site wasn't working for them anymore. We quickly embarked on a new information architecture to highlight the new focus of their organization.
Because the team there remembered the recent site build, they were able to anticipate our questions and we were able to work with them to create a new site that was in line with their new way of working: empowering them to get their work out there for others to see.