CARS Gallery
Vroom vroom, start your engines! It's no surprise that nothing gets us fired up quite like working with passionate researchers. The Center for Automotive Research at Stanford (CARS) had a site built on the standard platform, but they wanted a more advanced image gallery and data library to better showcase their work. We were ready to drive!
After a long discussion, we arrived at the decision that using Google Image search as our design and functionality inspiration would give them the flow and style that they wanted. They were looking for something sleek and tech-forward. We were then tasked with building a product that looked good and worked even better. The galleries expanded and collaped just like Google's, and allowed users to flip through the gallery easily. This convenient navigation, paired with the ability to showcase all images on one page and easily zoom in on the selected image, created a dynamic, active, and functional user experience.

Members login
One of unique features requested on this site was "direct access" link for non-authenicated users. Solution was provided by module which allows you set passphrase and allow users access protected pages without login.