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What does AI know about Backdrop and Drupal modules and recipes

In Backdrop CMS and in Drupal CMS, modules and recipes serve different purposes but both help extend and configure a site efficiently. Here's how they differ:

A Module

  • Definition: A module is a package of PHP, YAML, and other assets that adds new features or alters existing functionality in a CMS.
  • Functionality: Can provide new content types, blocks, fields, permissions, integrations with third-party services, and more.
  • Types:
    • Core modules built into CMS (Backdrop / Drupal), like Views or CKEditor 
    • Contributed modules (available on BackdropCMS or, like Webform or BackupAndMigrate)
    • Custom modules (developed by site builders for specific needs)
  • Installation: Requires enabling through the CMS UI or Drush/Composer.
  • Code-based: Developers write PHP code to define functionality.

A Recipe  

  • Definition: A recipe is a YAML-based configuration package that automates the setup of a site by installing modules, enabling configurations, and even creating content.
  • Functionality:
    • Bundles together modules, configuration, and content setup.
    • Can install multiple modules and apply pre-configured settings automatically.
    • Can be reusable and composable, meaning multiple recipes can be applied to the same site.
  • Types:
    • Base Recipes: Define a fundamental site setup.
    • Feature Recipes: Add specific functionality like media management or SEO tools.
  • Configuration-based: Uses YAML files rather than PHP code.

Key Differences

Feature Module Recipe
Purpose Adds new functionality via PHP code Automates site setup with predefined modules & configs
Code Type PHP, YAML, and sometimes JavaScript YAML only
Scope Can introduce new functionality and APIs Focuses on installing and configuring existing functionality
Installation Enabled via UI or Drush/Composer Applied via Drush or installation profile
Reusability Requires enabling individual modules and configuring them manually Can bundle multiple modules & configurations for easy reuse
Example Pathauto module (provides automatic URL aliases) SEO recipe (installs Pathauto, Metatag, XML Sitemap, and preconfigures them)

When to Use What?

  • Use a module when you need to add new functionality to CMS.
  • Use a recipe when you need to streamline site setup with a pre-configured collection of modules and settings.

Would you like a deeper dive into how recipes work in a migration from Drupal 7 to Backdrop CMS? Connect with us for more info.