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Drupal 9 Feeds release party and other fun links

Drupal 9 released on June 3, 2020 - as promised!!

Released on June 4, 2020

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Pantheon Drupal 9 Training

  • Drupal Basics: Discover why Drupal has become one of the biggest CMSs and how you can leverage the Drupal community throughout your next project.
  • Content Types & Fields: These building blocks of Drupal allow you to create and manage complex data structures within an easy UI.
  • Dynamic Lists: You’ll learn how to use Views, a UI-driven query builder, to generate dynamic pages and blocks that can be reused throughout your site.
  • Layout Builder: We’ll demonstrate how to use the new Layout Builder to control how content gets formatted on the fly.
  • Q&A: We'll spend a portion of the time answering any questions you have around the essentials of Drupal.